Homeopathy - medicine of the 21st century
Homeopathy is the art and science of healing by safe, gentle, natural methods.
Remedies that are used in this system of healing also surrounds us, they are made mainly of plants, (like the remedy Thuja is made of green twigs of White Cedar) and also minerals ( like Natrum muriaticum, which is Commom Salt) and animals (like Apis from Honeybee). These remedies have been in use for more than 200 years and their number is still growing. There are more than 3500 remedies to cure the sick.
These remedies in contrast to conventional medicines, stimulate the vital force, or with another word the immune system to overcome disease, in this way strengthening the individual.
Homeopathy works on the principle of “similia similibus curentur” which means that what will cause will cure. Therefore a substance that will cause a disease in a healthy person when given in large doses, will also cure a sick person suffering with similar symptoms when treated with potentized doses of the same substance.
This system of healing, i.e. curing with the same was observed early on by Hippocrates and Paracelsus, and it was Samuel Hahnemann a German doctor in the 18th century who put the idea of curing with similars into practice.
An obvious example to this is: coffee drinking will cause sleeplessness, but if given in a homeopathically prepared way (i.e.the raw berries of the plant Coffea cruda taken in a very minute dose and potentized) it can help certain people to fall asleep in a natural way.
Homeopathy cures the whole individual, not just the disease. We can’t say homeopathy will cure this and that disease, but it will stimulate the immune system and the organism if it has the potential, will cure.
Symptoms are the expressions of the human organism’s defence mechanism. When helping in healing, homeopathy does not only take into account the physical symptoms but also the state of the mind and the spirit. It is a holistic therapy, the well-being, the feeling of harmony of the person is reflected in his/her life, relationship and work and homeopathic therapy can help in reaching that harmony.
During the first consultation which is usually about one hour, thorough and totally confidential, the homeopath needs to carefully question the patient in order to build up a multi-dimensional picture to match one of the drug pictures and find the correct remedy for that person. Everyone is individual and comprise their family history (genes) and everything that has happened to them in life and how they have reacted. A full family and medical case history needs to be taken and many personal and highly individual questions need to be addressed – like responses to weather, type of food preferred etc.
Constitutional prescribing (i.e. taking the totality, the symptoms of mind and body) is a preventive medicine, eradicating patterns of susceptibility before they express themselves as a specific illness.
Health also means freedom,being able to fulfill one's potential, reaching one's purpose, and motivation in life. Homeopathic remedies can help in reconnecting with lost aspects of oneself, can assist in self-development.
Homeopathy is an alternative therapy, and it can also be complementary to conventional medicine.
Especially in acute cases rapid results can be expected, in chronic cases gradual improvement will be noticed. During treatment telephone consultation is necessary in every two weeks and follow-up appointments usually on a monthly basis, depending on the problem.
Homeopathic remedies have no side-effects, and no addiction can appear due to their use. They are safe to use for babies and pregnant women as well.
During your treatment avoid using toothpaste with mint in it, also avoid chewing gums with menthol in it.
Store your remedies away from strong smelling things. Do not place them close to electric equipments, or microwave, computer, mobile phone.
Do not eat half an hour before taking them and after.
Do not swallow the remedies, but let it dissolve under the tongue. Do not touch your remedies, but use plastic spoon, or the cap of the remedy.
Avoid coffee and alcohol. |